Sir Marmaduke Rawdon’s Regiment of Foote, along with the rest of the English Civil War Society of which we are a part, aim to portray, as accurately as possible, English Civil War soldiers and their camp-followers and the activities with which they would have been involved during the years 1642–1651. We do this in a number of ways: big battles, smaller skirmishes and ‘living history’ sites of various sizes, in a variety of venues around the UK – ideally at historic places, but we’ve been everywhere, from a major town festival based around the battle, to a school fete.
We portray both military and civilian activities and our Regiment comprises musketeers, pike, artillery, musicians, campfollowers and civilians, as well as officers, active both on the field and behind the scenes.
We extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to get involved and join us. We are also always keen to hear from any organisations who would be interested in booking us for an event.